Saturday, August 15, 2020

4. A thing of Beauty -John Keats

-John keats 
John Keats
About the poet :- 

John Keats (1795-1821) was a British Romantic poet. Although trained to be a surgeon, Keats decided to devote himself wholly to poetry. Keats' secret, his power to sway and delight the readers, lies primarily in his gift for perceiving the world and living his moods and aspirations in terms of language. The following is and excerpt form ihs poem 'Endymion; A Poetic Romance' . The poem is based on a Greek legend, in which Endymion, a beautiful young shepherd and poet who lived on Mount Latmos, had a vision of Cynthia, the Moon Goddess. The enchanted youth resolved to seek her out and so wandered away through the forest and down under the sea.

A thing of beauty is a joy forever
 Its loveliness increases, it will never 
Pass into nothingness; but will keep 
A bower quiet for us , and a sleep 
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing. 
therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing 
A flowery band to bind us to the earth, 
Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth 
Of noble natures,  of the gloomy days, 
Of all the unhealthy and o'er-darkened ways 
Made ofr our searching: yes, in spite of all, 
Some shape of beauty moves away the pall
From our dark spirits. Such the sun, the moon,
Trees old, and young, sprouting a shady boon 
For simple sheep; and such are daffodils 
With the green world they live in; and clear rills 
That for themselves a cooling covert make
'Gainst the hot season; the mid forest brake, 
Rich with a sprinkling of fair musk-rose blooms;
And such too is the grandeur of the dooms 
We have imagined for the mighty dead;
All lovely tales that we have heard or read; 
An endless fountain of immortal drink, 
Pouring unto us from the heaven's brink. 

Main Pints of the poem

  1. the poet says that a thing of beauty is a joy for ever. It never passes into nothingness. Its loveliness increases day after day as we watch it. (कवि कि खूबसूरत चीजों से हमें हमेशा के लिए आनद की अनुभूति होती है।  इनका अस्तित्व कभी समाप्त नहीं होता और इनकी सुंदरता दिन- प्रतिदिन  है जब जब हम इसे देखते है। )
  2. A thing of beauty is like a quite bower where we can enjoy sweet sleep filled with lovely dreams. It can give us health of the body and peace of the mind. सुन्दर वस्तुएं शांतकुज जैसी होती है जो हमें प्यारे प्यारे स्वप्नों से भरी मीठी नींद दे सकती है।  यह हमें स्वस्थ स्वास्थ्य और मानसिक शांति प्रदान करती है। 
  3. The poet says that a beautiful thing is a kind of flowery band that binds us to this earth which is otherwise full of grief and sadness.जॉन कीट्स कहता है कि एक सुंदर चीज एक तरह से फूलों के गुलदस्ते के सामान होती है जो हमें इस धरती से बांधे रखते है जो कि दुःख और उदासी से भरे  है। 
  4. The poet lists some of the unhappy things about human life on the earthy. Man always remains depressed at heart. There is a  great lack of truly noble souls. Man passed all his days in constant grief or disease.कवी इस धरती पर मनिष्य जीवन की कुछ एक असुखद बातों की सूचि देता है।  मनिष्य सदा अपने दिल में निराश बना रहता है।  वास्तविक रूप से श्रेष्ठ आत्मा वाले लोग बहुत काम है।  मनुष्य अपने सब दिन निरंतर दुःख और बीमारी में बिताता है। 
  5. But in spite of all this gloom , there are moment of joy when man looks at some objects of beauty.किन्तु इस सब उदासी के बाबजूद वहां ख़ुशी के पल आ जाते है जब आदमी सुन्दर वस्तुओं को देखता है। 
  6. Among the beatifull objects, there are the sun , the moon, the cool clear streams, the big and small tree, the daffodils and the musk-roses. We also derive joy by thinking of nice things in our imagination. In Addition, We derive joy from the hearing or reading of great piece in literature. सुन्दर चीजों की  सूर्य , चाँद, ठंडी,  नदियां, छोटे-बड़े पेड़, नरगिस फूलों तथा सफ़ेद गुलाब है।  हम अपनी कल्पना में बढ़िया चीजों के बारें में सोच कर भी प्रसन्नता प्राप्त करते है।  इसके अतिरिक्त हम साहित्य की महँ रचनाओं को पढ़ने या सुनने से भी प्रसन्नता का अनुभव करते  है। 
  7. The poet calls such beautiful objects ' an endless fontain of immortal drink pouring unto us from heaven's brink', The poet means to say that God himdelf has created various beautifull objects so that they can give joy to man. कवि इस तरह की सुन्दर चीजों को अलौकिक पेय का एक अनंत झरना कहता है जो स्वर्ग के छोर से  हमारे लिए बह कर आ रहा है।  कवि के कहने का भाव यह है कि ईश्वर ने स्वयं विभिन्न सुन्दर चीजें बनाई है ताकि वे मनुष्य को प्रसन्नता प्रदान कर सकें।  

Short answer type Questions :-

Q.1. :List the things of beauty mentioned in the poem 'A Thing of Beauty' ? 
Ans. the sun, the moon, the trees old and young, daffodils, clear rills, the mid forest brake , musk-rose , grandeur of the dooms and an endless fountain of immortal drink are the things of beauty         mentioned in the poem.

Q.2. List the things that cause suffering and pain ? 
Ans. Malice of disappointment, lack of noble natures, gloomy days, unhealthy and evil ways,  dark spirits are the things that cause suffering and pain.

Q.3. What does the line "therefore and we wreathing a flowery band to bind us to earth" suggest to you? 
Ans. "Therefore are we wreathing a flowery band to bind us to earth ," Keats does not think beauty as a airy. Wreathing a flowery band  creats an association with beauty which is feet by our senses-eyes, ear, nose, palate, etc.

Q.4. What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles  and sufferings?
Ans. Some shape of beauty removes the clouds of smoke and dust, etc. from our eyes. These things make human being love life in spite of troubles, and sufferings.

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