Thursday, July 30, 2020

Mahak Joshi (14th Rank in Uttarakhand) An Interview.

Mahak Joshi who scored 95.40% in her high-school board exam 2020 and secured 14th Rank in Uttarakhand Merit List, is a student of Shri Guru Ram Rai Inter College Bhauwala, Dehradun.

Q :  Achieving 95.40 % in the board examination is no so small feet; accept our heartiest congratulations on your splendid success.
Mahak - Thank You sir.

Q: Were you confident of your success in this examination and how did you react to this news.
Mahak: I was happy but the result was not according to my expectation. I will fill re-checking  in English and Social science.

Q : How did your prepare for your board exam?
Mahak: Actually sir from  starting, I didn't give hours and hours in my subjects. I believe in the fact that we should  concentrate in qualitative studies not quantitative. Every subject should be read practically with full concentration and . This is how we learn better and which remains in our mind for a long time.

Q: Your source of inspiration.
Mahak:  l am fond of Korean music and I  am a huge fan of Korean boys band team BTS and they inspire me the most . By their songs I get a lot of motivation to concentrate on my studies. My teachers , family and friends are very important source of inspiration in my life.

Q: What is your aim of life?
Mahak:   I want to become a scientist regarding the matters of space and tech.

Q: Role of parents and teachers in your study?
Mahak: I got a lot of support from my family ,especially my papa because he taught me in my home. Maths and science were taught by him and I myself covered up other subjects with the help of teachers.

Q : As you have become role model to other students any message you want to share with the students:
Mahak: Don't believe in quantitative studies, believe in qualitative study. And In hard times, you dont need to feel so depressed , and don't think you don't have any skill. Because each and every person has its own skills and abilities . Sometimes harsh conditions occur, so don't give up ,but stand up and try to give your best. -Because life do not give you only chance,it gives you many chances to prove yourself, so , let it be cool to the maximum.
Because,after every cold winter, beautiful spring comes with bright sunshine.And be  optimist.

Mahak Joshi secured 14th Place in Uttarakhand Merit List ( 95.4%)


Board result 2020, Topper Sutudent's of school 
Principal : Mrs. Damyanti Prandiyal

Name of the sctudents             : Mahak Joshi
Score in High School Board    :95.4%
Place in Uttarakhand merit list   :14th
Roll No.                                    : 20031995
Faher's name                            : Mr. Jeetendra Joshi ( Assistant Teacher)
Mother's Name                         :  Mrs. Parmila Joshi ( House wife)

Name of the sctudents           : Komal Lakhera
Score in High School Board   : 91%
Roll No.                                  :20031993
Faher's name                          : Mr.Bharat Ram Lakhera ( private Job)
Mother's Name                       :  Mrs. Shashi Lakhera (Assistant Librarian)

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

महक जोशी ने 95.4 एवं कोमल लखेड़ा ने 91 प्रतिशत अंक प्राप्त किये।

महक जोशी ने 95.4 एवं कोमल लखेड़ा ने 91 प्रतिशत अंक प्राप्त किये।महक ने उत्तराखंड में 14 वीं  रैंक हासिल की।  

उत्तराखंड बोर्ड परीक्षा 2020 में श्री गुरु राम राय इण्टर कॉलेज भाऊवाला की महक जोशी ने हाईस्कूल में 95.4 तथा  कोमल लखेड़ा ने 91 प्रतिशत अंक प्राप्त किये। विद्यालय प्रधानाचार्या श्रीमती दमयंती प्रन्दीयाल ने महक जोशी को बधाई देते हुए कहा कि महक जोशी एवं कोमल लखेड़ा ने विद्यालय का गौरब बढ़ाया है। साथ ही समस्त अध्यापक- अध्यापिकाओं एवं अविभावकों को उनकी कड़ी मेहनत के लिए बधाई एवं भविष्य के लिए शुभकामनायें दी।  हाईस्कूल में 40 और इण्टर में 38 छात्र -छात्राओं ने प्रथम  स्थान प्राप्त किया।
इस अवसर पर वरिष्ठ प्रवक्ता श्री नरेश टम्टा, श्री योगेश मेंल्कानी, डॉ प्रेम कोहली श्री सुमित कुंजवाल, श्री रवींद्र ठाकुर,  श्रीमती सर्वेश्वरी खंडूड़ी ,श्रीमती नीता सुप्याल श्रीमती रंजना बिष्ट श्रीमती उर्वशी शर्मा, श्री अनुज रतूड़ी, श्री गौरव कोठारी आदि उपस्तिथ थे।
    श्री गुरु राम राय इण्टर कॉलेज भाऊवाला का परिषदीय बोर्ड परिणाम 2020, निम्न प्रकार से रहा:
1.  इंटरमीडिएट 74 प्रतिशत।
सर्वश्रेष्ट कु0 परिणीता वाणिज्य वर्ग 79 प्रतिशत।
2. हाईस्कूल 78% रिजल्ट रहा।
सर्वश्रेष्ठ कु0 महक जोशी 95.4%
विशेष योग्यता सभी विषय।
द्वितीय स्थान कोमल लखेड़ा 91%

4. The Enemy (Pearls S. Buck)

4. The Enemy

It was the World War time. Japan and America were at dagger's drawn. An American prisoner of war is shot in the back. He was washed away at the door of a Japanese doctor. He behaves him as a human being and operates upon him, takes out the bullet and gives him shelter in his house till his wound is healed.

Summary of the story

Sadao Hoki was the only son of his father. His father built his house on the Japanese coast. Sadao's education was his fathers chief concern. Sadao was sent to America to learn surgery and medicine. He return to Japan after 8 years as famous surgeon and scientist. Sadao's marriage was arranged with Hanna who was herself a doctor and studied in America by Sadao's father in the old Japanese way. They had two children. They loved each other in a great deal. Sadao's father expired. They lived in their house on the Japanese coast.One late evening Dr. Sadao and Hana were standing in their baranda. Suddenly they saw something black. He was a man. He was crowling on his hands and nees. He was washed away at the doctor's door.  they came down the steps. Dr. Sadao found that he was wounded. He was a prisoner of war. He was shot in the back. He was an American. He was an enemy. They dragged him to their door. The blood was flowing.  the doctor's packed the wound with the see moss. Sadao said to himself" The best thing that we could do would be put him back in the see". But they were not able to put him back into the sea. Dr. Sadao said if he were whole, he could be handed over to police. But he was wounded, he would die.
Dr. Sadao operated upon his back, took out the bullet and gave him shelter in his house till the wound was healed. The servant were against this action. They left the house in protest. But Hana served the wounded Whitman in spite of all oddness. The messenger came from the general. He asked Dr. Sadao that he was wanted by the general to the palace. The General was suffering from a long time. He needed Dr. Sadao  very often. Dr. Sadao disclosed that an American soldier in his house. The General said," It would be best if he could be quietly killed. Not by you, but by some one who does not know him". He promised to send  two private assassins who would kill him and remove the body. Dr. Sadao waited for three nights for the assassins. But nobody return up. During this period, the Whitman regained strength and came in moments. The couple was fed up of the soldier. They wanted to get rid of him.
Sadao gave him his boat, filled with food, water and two quilts. He asked the sailor to row it to the island beyond. He should catch a Korean fishing boat and escape. The soldier realised that the doctor was giving him second life. He escaped safe and secure. The servants returned to work and the household began to run smoothly. One day the doctor informed the General that the enemy soldier had escaped. Then the General said that he forgot his promise in his great suffering.

यह जो कहानी है वह पर्ल एस0 बक ने द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध के दौरान की लिखी हुई है। जापान और अमेरिका दोनों कट्टर शत्रु है। ऐसी स्तिथि में अमेरिका का एक सैनिक जापान में एक डॉक्टर के घर के दरवाजे के नजदीक घायल अवस्था में बह कर आता है। अब जापानी डॉक्टर उसे जापानी आर्मी के हवाले करे या उसका इलाज कर उसे बचाये इसी पर आधारित कहानी है "द एनिमी"।
डॉ0 सदाओं अपने पिता जी की इकलौती औलाद है। उसके पिता जी उसकी पढाई के लये बहुत चिंतित रहते थे। इसी कारण से उन्होंने सदाओं को 22 वर्ष की उम्र में डॉक्टरी की पढाई के लिए अमेरिका भेज दिया था अब सदाओं 8 साल बाद पूरी पढाई करके जापान आ गया था।
डॉ0 सदाओं एक जापानी सर्जन और मेडिकल स्पेसिलिस्ट है। उनका घर जापानी बंदरगाह पर है। उनकी वाइफ का नाम हना है जो एक डॉक्टर है। डॉ सदाओं हना को अमेरिका में मिला था अपने प्रॉफेसर के घर जहाँ प्रोफ़ेसर ने अपने छात्रों को डिनर पर आमंत्रित किया था।
सदाओं के पापा ने दोनों की शादी जापानी परंपरा के अनुशार की। दोनों एक दूसरे को बहुत प्यार करते है और अब उनके दो बच्चे है। सदाओं के पापा अब इस दुनिया में नहीं है। सदाओं और हना उसी घर में अपने दो बच्चों और तीन नौकरो यूमी, गार्डनर और कुक के साथ रहते है।
एक शाम को सदाओं और हना अपने बरामदे में खड़े थे तभी उनको कुछ काला दिखता है और वह आदमी था जो समुद्र में बह कर उनकी घर की तरफ रेंगते हुए आ रहा था। दोनों दौड़ कर नीचे आते है और देखते है कि ये तो युद्ध से भागा हुआ अमेरिका  सैनिक है। पहले वे सोचते है कि इसको वापस समुद्र में ही फेंक देते है पर दोनों में से कोई भी उसे फेंकने के लिए आगे नहीं बढ़ा।

Q.1. Dr. Sadao was compelled by his duty as a doctor to help the enemy soldier. What made Hana, his wife, sympathetic to him in the face of open defiance from the domestic staff.
Introduction: Dr. Sadao was a doctor. It was his duty to help the wounded soldier let him be his enemy.
Hana's sympathy: Drn Sadao said that if the man was operated upon, he should be saved. But he must be washed first. The domestic servant,Yumi, refused to wash the Whitman. In this case Hana had to wash him himself. It was a piteously thin face. Watching him, she wondered if the stories they heard something of the sufferings of prisoners were true.
She observed deep red scares on his neck, just under the ear. They ought to be the result of sufferings in the prison.
Being the wife of doctor, it was her duty to help him because the servant were avrse to do anything for the Whitman.
Conclusion: These things made Hana sympathetic to the whiteman in thee face of open defiance from the domestic staff.

Q.2.There are moment in life when we have to make hard choices between our roles as private individuals and as citizens with a sense of national loyalty. Discuss with reference to the story ' The Enemy'?
Dr. Sadao Holi's house was built on rocks on Japanese coast. His wife Hana was standing with him on verandah. Suddenly they saw something black black below their house. It was a man on his hands and nees crawling.
Sadao thought that he perhaps a fisherman who washed from his boat. When they came towards him,, They found he was a whiteman,a U.S. Navy's sailor. He was a prisoner of war. It was the time of world war. America was their enemy. The man has escaped and that is why he was shot in the back. It was had chance that the rock had struck the wound.
It was dark. The sun had set. The man bleeding. Sadao muttered what shall we do with man? He packed the wound with sea moss to stop bleeding. Sadao said that the best thing that we could do would be put him back in the sea. Hana said steadily," Yes, undoubtedly that would be best".
Sadao said that if we sheltered a whiteman in our house we should be arrested and if we turned him over as a prisoner, he would certainly die. Again Hana said that kindest thing that we could do would be put him back in the sea.
Once again Sadao said that if the man were whole i could turn him over to the police without difficulty. He is may enemy. All Americans are my enemy. But Since he is wounded,we must carry him into the house.
Thus the chose the role of private individuals and carried him into their house to cure him of his wound.

Monday, July 27, 2020


प्यारे बच्चों जो पाठ्यक्रम में पीछे छूट गए है वो इस ( वेबसाइट से अपना काम पूरा कर सकते है। इस वेबसाइट में सारा वर्क अपडेट है। जो बच्चे ऑनलाइन वर्क में बहुत पीछे रह गए है वो इस वेबसाइट की मदद से अपना पूरा कार्य कर सकते है। मोबाइल में क्रोम ब्राउज़र को डेस्कटॉप मोड में खोलें. फिर दाहिने तरफ लेबल लगें है उन पर क्लिक करके अपना काम अपडेट करें।
          बारहवीं A , B और C के कुछ बच्चे ऐसे है जो अभी शुरुवात कर रहे है।  वो अपना काम जल्द पूरा करें। 

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Notice Writing

   Notice Writing

A  notice writing is a formal means of communication. The purpose of a notice is to announce or display information to a specific group of people. Notice are generally meant to be pinned up on specific display boards whether in schools or in public places. Notices issued by the government appear in newspapers.


A notice should be written in the following format:

  •       The name of organisation issuing the notice
  • ·         The title “NOTICE”
  • ·         A heading to introduce the subject of the notice
  • ·         The date
  • ·         The body of the notice
  • ·         The writer’s signature’ name (in block letters) and designation.

Name of organization/ office issuing the notice



Body of letter



Points to remember:

·         A well written notice must inform the readers about the 5 Ws:
-          What is going to happen,(that is, the event)
-          Where it will take place
-          When it will take place(that is, the date and time)
-          Who can apply or eligible for it
-          Whom to contact or apply to(that is the issuing authority)

  •          Only the most important points should be written.
  •        A.O.D – that is , any other detail given in the question.
  •      One is free to add any relevant information not included in the question.
  •     The sentence should be short and grammatically accurate.
  •      They should be in the passive voice as far as possible.
  •     The notice should be presented within the box.
  •    The word limit for a notice is 40-50 words (only the word in the body of the notice are counted).
  •       Information given in a notice must be clear and should not cause any misunderstanding or confusion.
  •     A notice must be catchy and appealing – it should attract the reader’s attention at once.
  •      Increase the visual appeal of your notice by using bold letters, catchy slogans, striking words and phrases, etc.
  •     Standard abbreviations are allowed.
  •     Making scheme
Q.1.You are Mohan/Meena, a student of G.I.C. Almora. Draft a notice in not more than 50 words for the school notice board, asking stundent to gives their names for taking part in dance competition.
Annual Dance Competition
January 21, 2022
The annual dance competition is being is being held on Monday the 20th of February of this year. Students are cordially invited to participate the occasion and give their respective names to take the part in the feast latest by 31st of January to the undersigned.
Meena Rani
Cultural Secretary

Q.2. Your school is organizing a fete (festival) to collect funds for charity. Only school students are eligible to put up stalls. As Head boy/Head girl of the Meera International School, draft a notice in not more than 50 words to be put up announcing sale of stalls giving all other necessary details.

September 28.
Our school is going to organize a fete on October 2, 2008 to collect funds for the benefit of the blind students. The stalls for eatables and indoor games are to be put up. The stalls will be sold bid system on September 30, 2008 in the Hall at 10.00 a.m. sharp. The interested students of the school are requested to come in group of four for each stall with their project.
Head Boy

 Q.3.   You are Rakesh/ Raveena, Head Boy/Head Girl of Oasis Public School, Bareilly. Draft a notice in not more than 50 words for the school notice board, asking the students to give their names for taking part in the Inter-Class Swimming Competition.

April 12,2022
All the students of the school are requested to give their names to participate in the Inter-class Swimming competition to be held on Sunday, 20 April, 2022. They should give their names to their class teachers by 18 April 2022.
Head Boy.

Q.4.You are Mr. Robin / Miss Dolly, the president of the science club in your college. You want to organise  a blood donation camp. Write a notice in about 50 words requesting students for voluntary donation of blood.

Govt. Inter College
20 October,2022
The staff and the students of the college are hereby informed that the Red Cross Society of India is organising a blood donation camp in our college as per programme:
Date : 23 October,2022
Time : 9.30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Venue : Common Hall
Age- Limit : Above 15 yrs.
You are requested to come forward for the noble cause.
Miss Dolly
President Science club of the college.

Q.5. You are Ravi/ Rajni, Resident at 30 ONGC Colony Dehradun. Your friend Vinay has undergo an operation for which he needs Rs. two lakh. Some generous people of the colony have donated some money but that is not sufficient. Draft an appeal / notice to be published in the local daily to generate money for the operation. (Word limit 50)

20 October,2022
Help to save th life of Mr. vinay,16 who suffers from kidney failure. Need immediate transplant which costs Rs.two lakh. Still Rs. one lakh more needed. Please contribute through cheque in the name of Doon Hospital For Vinay, Dehradun.

Q.6. You are the principal of SGRR IC Bhauwala. Write a notice for the students to an online essay writing competition.

Essay Writing Competition
13 July,2022
All the class teachers and students are hereby informed that there will be an online essay writing competition on 14th of July at 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. The topic of the competition is “Harela Festival”. Word limit 150 to 200 words. Result will be declared on 15th of July. Essay may be written in both medium Hindi and English.  All the class teacher will take the responsibility of their class. The Competition will be on two level.
Senior- 9th to 12th class
Junior- 6th to 8th

SGRR Inter College Bhauwala

Friday, July 24, 2020

4 Message

Dear students,
In-spite of continuous warning most of the students are still careless to the online study. some of the students are making excuses that they are out of the station with the relatives and they don't have notebook to complete the online work. but let me tell you that it is not our matter to concern. Be serious about your study. Careless student may be debarred from the board exam.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

6. Article Writing

Article Writing 

An article is an expression of one’s thought on an issue or a subject logically and coherently written in meaningful paragraphs. Article is a written work published in a print/ electronic medium.

♦ Points to Remember:



Newspapers mostly publish classified on Sunday. They are classified in different categories. The category is displayed at the top. Catchy phrases and words are used. They are written in simple language which is formal and factual. Relevant information is given. Contact number or post box number at the newspaper are given. To attract attention they are given in a box.
Students are advised to look at these classified in English newspapers on Sundays. These are given in minimum words in the newspapers. Students are required to write them in the examination within the limit of 50 words. Some important examples are given here for the practice of students.

Difficult words
Catchy – attractive, impressive.                                                                                      Required-  need, want.
 Lease/ Rent
1 Q.1. You are rajan /Rekha . you want to let your newly constructed house. Write an advertisement to be published in a local newspaper in “To Let” classified column in about 50 words.
To let  a newly constructed  house in 125sq mts at Civil Lines on Grant Trunk Road. The house also covers a portion of mini kitchen garden on backyard. Interested parties may contact Mrs .Rekha Rani on ph. Or mob.0135-254522- on any weekday from 11am to 11pm.

Q.2.-You want to let out a portion of your newly constructed independent house. Write an advertisement to be published in the “To Let” classified columns of the ‘ Indian Express’ New Delhi .

To Let
To - let a portion of a newly constructed independent house, two big rooms, a store and a kitchen, still unoccupied. Separate gate, Car parking available. Contact 9897933297.


Q.3.- You plan to sell your two wheeler. Draft a suitable advertisement in not more than 50 wards to be inserted in the classified columns of a local  daily, giving all necessary details of the two wheeler. You Sumit/Sudha, 15, Krishna Nagar, Delhi.

For sale a  Bajaj pulsur bike,2000 model in excellent running condition. Average around 40 kms per litre. Documents complete and ready. Tax paid. Price not below Rs. 25,000. Contact Sumit, 15 Krishna Nagar Delhi. Tel. 25763432

2 Q.4.   You want to sell your Maruti 800 car as you are going abroad on an assignment. Draft a suitable advertisement to be published in the classified columns of “The Times of India”, New Delhi (World limit : 50)

For sale Maruti 800 car, 1998 model, running with CNG, steel bluish in colour, condition excellent. 50,000 kms. Fully loaded, legality complete. Price not exceeding Rs. One lakh. Contact Dheerendra, 2A Mausam Apartment West End, Delhi. Tel. 27020884
Q.5. SGRR inter college Dehradun wants a dance teacher for it. Write an advertisement to be published in the classified column of a local news paper (word limit 50 words)

 SGRR inter college dehradun
Require a dance teacher
Wanted a trained, degree/ diploma holder dance teacher  for SGRR inter college Dehradun. Age 25-30 years. Salary Rs. 10,000/-. Mail your resume to SGRR inter college, Dehradun.

Q .6.- you are general manager of ‘Tata India limited’. You want to appoint two sales representatives for your company. Give an advertisement to be published in the classified column of a well known newspaper ‘Times Of India’. (Word limit 50 words)

Tata India Limited
 Wants two sales representatives
Wanted two sales representatives. At least graduate in Arts/Commerce. Age between 20-25. Fluent speech in English and Hindi. Grand personality. Salary Rs.10,000+perks. Walk in for an interview 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.                                                                                                                      Add: Tata India limited, Dehra Dun.


Q.7.-You are Dinesh/Sangeeta of Almora,Uttarakhand . You want to seek a suitable match for your sister who is an M.A. in English and is working as a lecturer. Draft a suitable advertisement for the matrimonial column of a daily local news paper.(word limit-50 words)    2013.   

Fair, slim 28/5’4” M.A. English working as a lecturer in govt.inter college,Rajput girl from Almora, Uttarakhand seeks a govt Doctor/engineer/ lecturer from cultured family. Prefers Uttarakhand govt lecturer. Call: 09990660089.

(Display Advertisement)
Leading manufacture, establishments and organization etc. make use of commercial (display) advertisement for publicity and promotion of their products, service or some event.
Main features
1.     Designed for commercial purposes.
2.     More space and more expenses.
3.     Visually attractive- catchy slogans, punch lines, witty expressions, pictures and (or) sketches.
4.     Varying font size or shape.
5.     Language- lucid and attractive.
6.     Spacing proportional arranging all things.
Necessary Details
1.     Name of the company/institute/organisers etc.
2.     Detail regarding product/event educational course etc.
3.     Special offers or discount, if any.
4.     Address of the company/institute/organizers etc

 Q.1. Design a display advertisement to promote the sale of “Jindal Steel Pipes and Tubes”?
The most reliable names in S.S. Pipes and Tubes in India.
·        ISI standards
·        Rust Free 
·        All – Weather poof
·        Reasonable
Approved by National and International Agencies.                  
      Beware of spurious material
                For enquiry, contact :

3. Launching/ sale promotion of consumer items

Q.2.You are Ramesh/ Rashmi. You are working at a “Cello” company. Your company have launched a new “Cello designer pen”. Draft a commercial advertisement to promote cello designer pen?
           …..WANT TO IMPROVE!
       BUY cello DESIGNER PENS
               SM…OO…..TH FINE TIP
                  PROPER FIRM GRIP
                              BUY ONE TODAY!......and……get 100% marks
                                For        your…….HANDWRITING….!
                                                                                               CELLO LTD
                                                                                      A NAME FOR QUALITY

Q.3.     Samsung  have produced a new television name ‘slim 51’. Draft an advertisement for a local daily to promote the sale of the television. Offer a Kodak Camera free along with the television to those who buy it before March 30.
When you buy
       SLIM 51
 51” Flat screen
This is a limited offer.
Open upto 30 march.
Your nearest dealer today
Samsung televisions
The promise for a happy home

Q.5. you are Dr Rakesh/ Veena, CMO Dehradun. Write a general notice for public or administer Polio Drop to their children below five years. Give date and place.

 Weave out polio menance.
 Administer polio drops to your kids below five years.
  Eradicate and root out this disease from our state.
  Join on Clock Tower crossing at Dehradun
  Sunday,18th of june,2017

                                                                                                              Dr Rakesh
                                                                                                        CMO Dehradun