Monday, September 21, 2020

6. On The Face Of It

 6. On The Face Of It


It is a story play which has only three scenes and three characters. The characters are, Mr. Lamb, Derry and Derry's mother. the first and last scene are placed in Mr. Lambs Garden and the second scene is placed at Derry's house. Mr. Lamb is a old man. He has Lost one of his leg in war.  Now he has a tin leg in its place. He lives alone in a house that has a garden also. People have spread many stories about him and no one ever comes to visit him. Kids call him Lamey-Lamb. Derry's state is also not much defferent. He is a fourteen years old boy. The one side of his face is all burned and he looks very ugly. People look at him with a sceseof shock and fear. Everyone makes him consious of his ugliness and it gives him much mental pain. He is sick of the world he is living in. Ones he comes into Mr. Lambs gardenthinking that no one lives there. Mr. Lamb sees him enter the garden and the two have a heart to heart talk. Derry is alao impressed by Mr. Lamb's encouraging word that he decides   leave his home and start living with Mr. Lamb. He goes back home to tell his mother of what he has decided. But when he comes to the garden, he finds Mr. Lamb already dead.

यह एक लघु नाटक है जिसमे केवल तीन दृश्य और तीन पात्र है- मिस्टर लैम्ब, डेरी और डेरी की माँ। पहला और अ डटी दृश्य मिस्टर लैंब के बाग़ में रखे गए है। दूसरा दृश्य डेरी के घर पर दिखाया गया है। मिस्टर लैम्ब एक बूढ़ा आदमी है। वह अपनी एक तांग युद्ध में खो बैठा है। अब इसकी जगह उसकी टिन की बनी हुई टाँग है। वह एक घर में अकेला रहता है जिसमे एक बाग भी है। लोगों ने उसके बारे में बहुत कहानियां फैला रखी है। और उससे मिलने के लिए कभी कोई नहीं आता है। बच्चे उसे लंगड़ा लैम्ब कहकर बुलाते है। डेरी की हालत भी ज्यादा भिन्न नहीं है।    वह एक चौदह वर्ष का लड़का है। उसके चेहरे का एक तरफ का हिस्सा जला हुआ है।  और वह देखने में बहुत भद्दा लगता है।  लोग उसकी तरफ सदमे और भय के भाव से देखते है।  हर कोई ुए उसकी कुरूपता का आभास करवाता है। एक बार वह यह सोचकर मिस्टर लांब के बाग़ के अंदर आ जाता है की वहां कोई नहीं रहता है।  मिस्टर लैम्ब उसे बाग़ के अंदर आते हुए देख लेता है।  और दोनों दिल खोलकर बहुत लम्बी बातें करते है.  डेरी  मिस्टर लैम्ब  के प्रोत्साहित करने शब्दों से इतना प्रभावित होता है क़ि वह अपना घर छोड़कर मिस्टर लैम्ब  के साथ रहने का निश्चय कर लेता है।  वह वापस अपनी मां  को यह बताने के लिए जाता है कि उसने क्या निश्चय किया है। किन्तु जब वह बैग में आता है तो देखता है कि  मिस्टर लैम्ब पहले ही वहां मारा पड़ा है।
यह कहानी अपनी आप में प्रेरणात्मक कहानी है। हर कुंठित, निराश व्यक्ति को यह कहानी पढ़नी चाहिए। यह कहानी हमें यह प्रेरणा देती है कि हमें अपने और समाज के प्रति हमेशा सकारात्मक रहना चाहिए। समाज हमारे लिए जो भी भला बुरा बोल रहा हो हमें अपने सकारात्मक रवैये और कार्यों से उनकी सोच को बदलना है और अपने प्रति नकारात्मक विचारों को दूर रखना है।

1. Who is Mr. Lamb? How does Derry get into his garden?


Mr Lamb is an old man with a tin leg. His real leg was blown off years ago during the war. He lives all alone in his house. There is a garden near the house. It has ripe crab apples looking orange and golden in colour. Mr Lamb is sitting in his garden when Derry climbs over the garden wall to get into his garden. Though the gate is open, the boy does not use it.

1. Do you think all this will change Derry’s attitude towards Mr. Lamb?


Derry’s burnt face made him the center of ridicule. Although people sympathized with him, it was never a heartfelt one. This resulted in his pessimistic approach towards life. He thought that everyone detested and despised him. On the contrary, Mr. Lamb did not show any pity towards him. He considered Derry to be his equal and welcomed him in his garden. He helped the boy to love and live life happily without any contempt for his own self. Derry had initially considered the old man to be like others, but he gradually started respecting and liking him for what he said.

Reading with Insight

1. What is it that draws Derry towards Mr. Lamb in spite of himself?


Derry finds Mr. Lamb different from others. Mr. Lamb shows no shock or fear on seeing Derry’s burned face. Rather he talks to him in a loving manner. He welcomes him to his garden. He offers to pluck apples and make jelly for him. He calls him his friend. He says that things look outwardly different, but inwardly they are all the same. He gives the example of flowers, trees, herbs and weeds. They look different, but they are all growing living things. Similarly, people can have different looks, but inwardly they are all the same. Derry says that he hates some people. At this, Mr. Lamb says that it can do him more harm than any bottle of acid. Acid burns only the face, but hatred burns one away inside. He tells Derry never to think of his burned face. He has two arms, two legs, eyes ears, tongue and a brain. And if he has a firm mind, he can do better than others. It is by such words of encouragement that Mr. Lamb draws Derry to himself.

2. In which section of the play does Mr. Lamb display signs of loneliness and disappointment? What are the ways in which Mr. Lamb tries to overcome these feelings?


Although the loneliness of Derry dominates the play, there are evident traces of Mr. Lamb’s loneliness throughout the first scene of the play. The old man says that having heard the bees for a “long time” he knows that they “sing”, not buzz. It not only depicts how his perception was different from others but also illustrates that he was lonely and that he did not have any one to be with.
Another evidence of his loneliness is the fact that whole day he sat in the sun and read books. This proves that books were his only true friends. He says that his “empty house” is full of books, underlining the way in which the void of his empty life was filled in by books.
By the end of this scene, it becomes even clearer that he is lonely and sad when he mutters to himself that no one comes back to him after the first meeting. Likewise, he did not expect Derry to return. He was so sure that Derry would never return that he climbed the ladder to collect all the apples himself, although Derry had offered to help him after informing his mother. Ironically, the old man would have died unnoticed if Derry had not returned to fill the emptiness of his own life.

3. The actual pain or inconvenience caused by a physical impairment is often much less than the sense of alienation felt by the person with disabilities. What is the kind of behaviour that the person expects from others?


A person with any physical impairment can live life with respect and honour, if he is not ridiculed and punished with heartless pity. He expects empathy rather than sympathy. If everyone looks down at him with a pessimistic approach, he may never be able to come out of his sorrow, and consequently, recline to his own secluded world. He is already in tremendous mental and emotional pressure. So, he expects others to be understanding rather than remind him of his disability.
In the play, Derry and Mr. Lamb, both are caught in a similar situation. Mr. Lamb, as an adult, is able to cope with such problems, but Derry, being a child, is not able to untangle this web alone. He develops a strong liking for this old man because he spoke the words a person, with such problem, would want to hear.

4. Will Derry get back to his old seclusion or will Mr. Lamb’s brief association effect a change in the kind of life he will lead in the future?


The brief association of Derry with Mr. Lamb boosted his self-confidence and helped him to respect his own self. The manner in which the old man made Derry realize the importance of his being self-dependent, of respecting himself and of holding on to hope helped Derry undergo a remarkable change. The new found self-esteem makes him tell his mother that his looks are not important.
It is not likely that the death of Mr. Lamb would take him back to his secluded life. This big change is definitely here to stay and would not be undone due to setbacks.

Friday, September 18, 2020

For Hindi Medium students of 11th A, B,C

Dear students,
Generally I have seen that Hindi medium students of 11th class, Section A,B, and C are neither good in reading nor in writing English. So from tomorrow you all will take a notebook or diary more that three hundred pages and you will write your all day long activities on it, daily up to 8 p.m. You will send your one or two pages ( daily routine and activities work) to me till 8.20 p. m regularly even in Sunday also. It will help to improve your writing skill and you will be able to put your ideas on your notebook. At first it will be difficult but gradually it will become your habit. This one is only for Hindi medium students.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Unit test 1.

Important Instructions-  
  1. All Questions are compulsory.
  2. Send your answer sheet between 11.00 to 11.10 a.m.  (not before and after)
  3. Don't try to copy from notebook.
  4. Be honest in your test.
  5. Mention your name and section on answer sheet at the top.
  6. All are Long Answer Type Questions. World Limit 100 to 150 words.
  7. Each question is of two marks.
Class- 11
Subject - English
Time: 1 hour                                                                                                                         M.M. 10
Q.1. You have attended a meeting in a number of people spoke about the increasing crime-rate in India. You are Pradeep/Pratibha, a reporter of the Times of India, Dehradun. Write a report to be published in about 125 words, expressing your views and suggestions.

Q. 2. You are Kaushal / Kamini of government inter college Paundha, Dehradun. Write a letter to police commissioner about many lawless activities going on outside on your school campus. 
Q.3. Describe the changing relationship between the author and his grandmother. Did their feeling for each other change? 
Q.4.Do you think John Byro recognised his horse? Why did he not accuse the boys of stealing his horse? 

Q.5.  "The Address" is a story of human predicament that follows war. Comment.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Love of My son

When I go to my duty he kiss me and demand for Kur kure.

Every Success TakesTime

We all want success and always ready to fine shortcut way to get it. We become frustrated when it takes time. We lose hope. We irritate and  become impatient.
Learning is a continuous process and it goes from birth to death. 

The Adress

Monday, September 14, 2020

हिंदी दिवस पर ऑनलाइन निबंध प्रतियोगिता में ऋषभ और समीक्षा ने मारी बाजी

श्री गुरु राम राय इण्टर कॉलेज भाऊवाला, देहरादून में विद्यालय प्रधानाचार्या श्रीमती दमयंती प्रन्दीयाल जी के दिशा निर्देशन पर हिंदी दिवस पर ऑनलाइन निबन्ध प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन किया गया जिसका शीर्षक था " हिंदी के चंहुमुखी विकास में नई पीड़ी का योगदान" । प्रतियोगिता जूनियर (6 से 8) तथा सीनियर (9 से 12) दो वर्गों में आयोजित की गयी। दोनों वर्गों में कक्षा अध्यापकों की सहायता से कुल 55 बच्चों ने प्रतिभाग किया। निर्णायकों की भूमिका में श्री नरेश टम्टा (प्रवक्ता अंग्रेजी) एवं श्रीमती कंदर्प सिमल्टी (प्रवक्ता रसायन विज्ञान) थे। उच्च वर्ग मे विजेता -
1-  ऋषभ सौडियाल कक्षा 11 A प्रथम
2- शीतल कक्षा 11 B , पायल कक्षा 12 C द्वितीय तथा
3- आदर्श राणा कक्षा 11 A , नीरज कक्षा 9 B तृतीय
वहीँ जूनियर वर्ग में
1-समीक्षा नेगी कक्षा 7 बी प्रथम, 
2-कशिश कक्षा 8 A द्वितीय तथा 
3-सृष्टि कक्षा 8 A तृतीय रही। 
विद्यालय प्रधानाचार्या जी ने सभी बच्चों को हिंदी दिवस की शुभकामनायें देते हुए निबंध प्रतियोगिता में सभी प्रतिभागी छात्र छात्राओं, कक्षाध्यापकों, एवं निर्णायकों की सराहना की। विजय छात्र- छात्राओं को ई- सर्टिफिकेट परितोषित के रूप में दिए जायेंगे। प्रतियोगिता को संपन्न कराने में समस्त शिक्षक- शिक्षिकाओं का पूर्ण योगदान रहा।

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Online Essay Writing Competition

Online Essay Writing Competition
13 September,2020
All the class teachers and students are hereby informed that there will be an online essay writing competition on 14th of  September at 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. The topic of the competition is “Role of Youth In Development of Hindi”( हिंदी के चहुमुखी विकास पर नई पीढ़ी का योगदान ). Word limit 150 to 200 words. Result will be declared on 15th of  September . The judges will be Mr. Naresh Tamta ans Mrs. Kandarp Simalty. Top three students will be awarded with certificate. Essay may be written in three medium Hindi ,Sanskrit  and English.  All the class teacher will take the responsibility of their class. The Competition will be on two level.
Senior- 9th to 12th class
Junior- 6th to 8th

SGRR Inter College Bhauwala

Test 2

  1. All Questions are compulsory.
  2. Send your answer sheet between 12.00 to 12.10 pm. (not before and after)
  3. Don't try to copy from notebook.
  4. Be honest in your test.
  5. Mention your name and section on answer sheet at the top.
  6. All are Long Answer Type Questions. World Limit 11 to 150 words.
Class- 12
Subject - English
Time: 1 hour                                                                                                                         M.M. 10

Q.1. What changes did the order from Berlin cause in school that day?     1
Q.2. What is the 'misadventure' that William Douglas speaks about?  1
Q.3.  How does the metaphor of the rattrap serve to highlight the human predicament ?2
Q.4. Why do you think Gandhi considered the Champaran episode to be a turning-point in his life.? 2
Q.5. Do you think the third level was a medium of escape for Charley? Why?4

Monday, September 7, 2020

7. The Interview ( Mukund Padmanabhan)

7. The Interview


  1. This chapter is in two parts. In the first part, the writer describe the role and function of the interview in modern journalism. In the second part, he gives an extract of the interview between Mukund Padmanabhan (interviewer) and Umberto Eco (interviewee). This interview appear in The Hindu. यह पाठ दी भागों में है। पहले भाग में वर्तमान पत्रकारिता में साक्षात्कार के महत्व और कार्यों के बारे में बताया गया है।
  2. The writer says that the system of interviews in journalism was invented a little over 130 years ago. Since than the interview has become very common in journalism. Today,almost everybody will have read an interview at some point in their lives. Several thousand celebrities  have been interviewed over the years, some of them repeatedly.
  3.  The divergent views have been expressed about the interview by different celebrities. Some call it the highest source of truth and even an art. Other call it an assault that deserve punishment.
  4. However over the last 30 years, thousands of celebrities have been interviewed. The interview has now become a commonplace of journalism.
  5. Despite its so called drawbacks, the interview is a supremely serviceable medium of communication. Almost everything of moment reaches us through one man asking questions of another. It leaves on our minds most vivid impressions of our contemporaries. 
  6. In the second part of the chapter, Amberto Eco talks to Mukund Padmanabhan abiut his experience as an academic and as a novelist.
  7. Eco says that he has some philosophical interest and he pursues them through his academic  work and his novel. Even his book for children are about non- violence and peace - which are part of his philosophy.
  8. About how he gets time for his varied work, Eco say that there are lots of empty spaces in our lIves just as there are empty space in the universe. Eco makes of these empty spaces and thus find time for his writing.

Think As you Read

1. What are some of the positive views on interviews?


Interview, in the 130 years of its existence, has become an inherent part of journalism. It is a useful means of communication that is, at times, considered to be an art, serving as a source of truth. Denis Brian has stated that in today’s world we get to know “our contemporaries” through their interviews.

2. Why do most celebrity writers despise being interviewed?


Celebrity writers believe that interviews unduly interfere in their private lives. They regard themselves as victims of interviews. They claim that the interview in some way ‘diminishes’ them, just like some ancient cultures believed that a portrait of a person takes away his soul. Certain celebrities like V.S Naipaul have claimed that interviews leave them wounded, while others like Rudyard Kipling have referred to it as a crime and an immoral act.

3. What is the belief in some primitive cultures about being photographed?


Some primitive cultures believed that photographing a person is no less than stealing his/her soul out of the body and rendering him incomplete and slighted.

4. What do you understand by the expression “thumbprints on his windpipe”?


The expression means having been strangulated. The interview is an assault on a person as it makes him/her so tense that he/she feels as good as being choked.

5. Who, in today’s world, is our chief source of information about personalities?


In modern times, the chief source of information on personalities is the interviewer who, through his power and influence, gathers information and provides us with the best possible information on the interviewees. He extracts everything significant through his questions for us.

Understanding the Text

1. Do you think Umberto Eco likes being interviewed? Give reasons for your opinion.


Yes, Umberto Eco, in all possibilities, likes being interviewed. He felt just at ease with the interviewer and answered all the questions fully and patiently without showing any hurry. He stated his achievement in a very modest manner and explained his philosophical views and interest clearly. He let the interviewer enter the secret about his craft with a loud laugh. Also, he elaborated his approach which was unique. He was mannerly, warm and properly responsive as well.
2. How does Eco find the time to write so much?
There are two factors that explain how Eco was able to write so much. In his own words, the life of every person has exply spaces- periods with no important jobs. He says that he did most of his writing during these free intervals. Second, he explains that people wondered that he (Eco) had written so much on various subjects. But the fact is that he was writing on the same lines and same interests-peace, non-violence, etc. All his works were linked with the thread of common interests. It saves his time and he could write a lot in a short period of time. That was the secret behind Eco’s prolific pen.

3. What was distinctive about Eco’s academic writing style?


Umberto Eco's academic writing style is quite distinctive. It has a certain playful and personal quality about it. It is a marked departure from a regular academic style, which is usually depersonalised and often dry and boring.

4. Did Umberto Eco consider himself a novelist first or an academic scholar? 


Umberto Eco considered himself an academic scholar first and a novelist later. He makes his preference clear by saying, "I consider myself a university professor who writes novels on Sundays". On week days he attends academic conferences and does other scholarly, non-fictional work.

5. What is the reason for the huge success of the novel, The Name of the Rose?


'The Name of the Rose' is different sort of noveL It is quite serious noveL It is a detective story at one leveL But it also probes into metaphysics theology and medieval history. The reasons for the success of the book, however, remain a mystery.

Talking about the Text

Discuss in pairs or small groups.

2. The medium you like best for an interview, print, radio, or television.


The medium I like best for an interview is the television. It has both audio and visual effect. It presents the interviewer and interviewee before the audience in their true colours. Usually celebrities accuse the reporters of misquoting them or misreporting them in the print media or the radio. This is not possible when they are face-to-face on the television. Their lip movement and body movement while replying to probing questions are there for all to see. The recording of various expressions coming on the face of the interviewee and his/her gestures and words are the additional advantages that television holds over the print media or the radio. The print media has dull, dry words alongside a picture whereas the radio tries to create the atmosphere by skilful variation of the sound. Both expect a lot of attention from the reader/audience.

3. Every famous person has a right to his or her privacy. Interviewers sometimes embarrass celebrities with very personal questions.


Interviewers want to present exculsive and intimate details about the famous person they are interviewing. Some interviewrs focus on the public life and achievements of the individual only. They try to be objective in their approach as well as assesment. However, there are others who want to make their interviews more spicy and usually cross the thin limit of privacy of the individual. In their zeal to present good copy they embrass the famous person with the personal questions. Sometimes impact of such questions on famous person reveals his/her aversion as well as irritation at the silliness of the person. If they shout, they are accused of being rude and proud and if they keep mum thy are labelled as arrogant. In my opinion privacy of an individual must be respected.

Saturday, September 5, 2020



In English Grammar , Verbs are often used in away that it indicates or denotes the time when an event occurred. These verbs that take up different forms to indicate the time of an action, event or condition by changing its form are called as tenses. Tense can be broadly classified into three broad categories:

Now let us have a brief introduction of Tenses.

There are 3 kinds of tenses in English language, like all languages.
The below are these 3 kinds.
1) Present Tense, 
2) Past Tense
3) Future Tense

But in English language, each tense is divided into 4 sub tenses.

1) Present Tense:
a) Simple present tense, 
b) Present continuous tense,
c) Present perfect tense, and 
d) Present Perfect continuous tense

2) Past Tense:
a) Simple past tense, 
b) Past continuous tense
c) Past perfect tense, and 
d) Past perfect continuous tense

3) Future Tense:
a) Simple future tense, 
b) Future continuous tense
c) Future perfect tense, and 
d) Future perfect continuous tense

In this way, there are totally 12 tenses in English.
Now you have to answer the below questions.

Before going into the TENSES, you should have some basic knowledge of SUBJECT, NOUN, PRONOUN and VERB. In every tense, we use them. Using some examples, let us see and understand them.
  1.           Stephen is going to New York.
  2.          Rahim reached the university.
  3.          Raju will reach New Delhi.
  4.         I eat very well.
  5.          He sleeps quickly.

In the above sentences, “Stephen, Rahim, Raju, I, He” are SUBJECTS. A person or thing that does a work / activity / action in a sentence is called SUBJECT. Almost every sentence has a
SUBJECT. This SUBJECT can be Noun or Pronoun.

"Noun means “name”. There is a name for everything in the Universe."
Ex: David, America, Girl, country, ball, bat, school, Television, chair,computer, fruit, happiness etc.

"A word which is used instead of a noun is called pronoun."
  1.  Akbar is a king. He went to forest. He killed a lion.

In the above sentence, instead of the word "Akbar", I used the word“he”, two times.
So “He” is a pronoun.

The words those which express an action /activity/ work are verbs.See the examples. These kind of words are verbs.
Ex: go, run, drink, use, drive, sleep, sell, buy, speak, read, wash,enjoy, catch etc.

Simple Present Tense ----- Lesson 1

We use “simple present tense” in the following situations.

1) To tell Habits:
We have many habits. We can express our habits, using this tense.

  1.          He drinks tea at breakfast.
  2.      She eats fish only.
  3.       They watch television regularly.

2) To tell "Regular activities":
We do some activities regularly. Regularly means daily or everySunday, or every month etc. We can express those regular activities using this tense.

  1.          We catch the bus every morning.
  2.      It rains every afternoon in the hot season.
  3.      They drive to Japan every summer.
  4.      I play football every weekend.

3) To tell Natural / General truths:
There are some truths. Naturally / Generally we know those truths.
To express those natural /general truths, we can use this tense.

  •          Water freezes at zero degrees.
  •       The Earth revolves around the Sun. 
  •      Our body contains 206 bones.
  •       Light travels at almost 300,000 kilo meters per second.
  •        The cow gives milk.


  • Positive Sentences- S+V1+O.
  • Negative- S+ Do /Does + Not +V+
  • Interrogative-  Do /Does + S+V1+O+?
  • Interrogative Negative- Do /Does + S+ Not +V+O+?
  • With WH family.... When/ Where/   +Do /Does + S+V1+O+?
  •          I go to school.
  •      We go to school.
  •     You go to school.
  •      They go to school.
  •      Students go to school.
  •          I do not go to school.
  •      We do not go to school.
  •     You do not go to school.
  •      They do not go to school.
  •      Students do not go to school.
  •       Sita does not sing a song.
  •      Mohan does not play cricket.
  •     Do I go to school?
  •      Do we go to school?
  •      Does Mohan play cricket?
  •      Does Sita sing a song?
Interrogative Negative:
  •     Do I not go to school?
  •      Do we not go to school?
  •      Does Mohan not play cricket?
  •      Does Sita not sing a song?
Exercise :
MMake 50 sentences on simple present tense using positive, negative and interrogative sentences.

Present Continuous Tense
      Present Continuous Tense is used to describe a continued or an ongoing action of the present. These actions are occurring exactly at the time of speaking. It is called progressive tense because it refers to actions which are currently in progress at the time of speaking.
     For instance, a boy says,"I am drinking water". It means that the action (drinking water ) is being done exactly at this time of speaking.
                It is also called progressive tense.
      Structure of the Sentence:
       Main verb: Base form of verb + ing. e.g. eating, drinking, singing, looking.
       Auxiliary verb" Is, am, are.
       I - Am
       Am - He, She, It, Ram, Sita.
       Are - You, We, They, 
     Positive Sentences.
      S+Auxiliary verb+ main verb+o.   
  1.       I am washing my shirt.
  2.       She is sleeping.
  3.       Kids are playing cricket.
  4.       He is writing a letter.
  5.       They are playing cricket.
  6.       Mohan is reading.
Negative Sentence:
      S+Auxiliary verb+ not+ main verb+o.
  1.       I am not washing my shirt.
  2.       She is not  sleeping.
  3.       Kids are not playing cricket.
  4.       He is not writing a letter.
  5.       They are not playing cricket.
  6.       Mohan is not reading.
      Interogative Sentence:
              Auxiliary verb+s+ main verb+o+?
              Auxiliary verb+s+not+ main verb+o+? (Negative)

  1.        Am I washing my shirt?
  2.       Is she sleeping?
  3.       Are kids playing cricket?
  4.       Is he writing a letter?
  5.       Are they playing cricket?
  6.      Is Mohan reading?
         Exercise :
M     Make 50 sentences on  present continuous tense using positive, negative and interrogative sentences.

Present perfect tense.