Last Lesson
Q.1. How did Franz's feeling about M. Hamel and School change?
Ans. Before this day of the last lesson, Franz had never loved is french lesson nor ever admired M.Hamel. He was of courses, afraid of his teacher M.Hamel and his terrible iron ruler. He had often missed school for enjoying himself. He had been Seeking birds' eggs or going sliding on the Saar instead of learning his lesson.
Today, he felt sorry for all that. Till then his books had seemed such a nuisance to him. grammar and history of the saints seemed too heavy to carry. Now these books seemed like old friends which he couldn't give up.
He had all along hated M.Hamel's ruler and thought him cranky. The thought of his going away made him forget all that. He feels much pity for him. He repeatedly calls him a poor man. He realise M. Hamel's loved for school where he had spent 40 years of his life. Finally Franz say that M.Hamel had never before looked so tall. Thus Franz's feeling were completely changed on the day of his last french lesson.
Lost Spring
Q.1. What is Saheb looking for in the Garbage dumb? Where is he and where has he come from?
Ans. Saheb is looking for gold in the garbage dumps. The dumps are in the his neighbourhood. He lives in Seemapuri. His native place is Bangladesh from where his parents came in 1971 as refugees.
Q.2. What was the full name of saheb? Did he know what it means? What did it represent?
Ans. The full name of Saheb was 'Saheb-e-Alam'. He did not know its meaning. It represented - lord of the universe.
Q.3. How is the garbage gold to the rag-pickers?
Ans. garbage is gold to the rag-pickers because it give them their daily bread and a roof over their heads.
Q.4. Who is Mukesh? What is his dream? What dome it look like?
Ans. Mukesh is the son of a poor bangle- maker in Firozabad. He dreams to be a motor mechanic. His dreams looms like a mirage amidst the dust of streets of Firozabad.
Long Answer
Ans. There could be some of the following reasons for the migration of the people from village to cities:
1. Poor people migrate from villages to cities to seek livelihood.
2. When there is no work the agriculture farms, some people partly migrate from village to cities.
3. The farm labourers does not get proper wages in the villages, so the have to migrate form village to village to cities.
4. Some weak and poor people find themselves in fear of security for their women,girls and children in villages. They therefore migrate from the villages to cities.
5. Mechanisation of agriculture forces the labourers to migrate from village to cities.
6. Some rich people migrate from the villages to cities to educate their children in cities.
7. Some rich people who belong to minority migrate from village to cities for reason of security.
8. Some educated people migrate from village to cities to maintain their standard of living.
Deep Water
Ans. The misadventure referred to happened at the Y.M.C.A. swimming day, the writer was sitting alone on the side of the pool. there was no other there. He was afraid of going into the water alone. So He was waiting for other to come. Suddenly a big boy came in. He picked the writer up and tossed him into the pool. the writer at once went to the bottom of the pool. On the way down, he made a plan. He would hit the bottom and make a big jump to the surface. But he came up very slowly. He could see nothing but water.He grew panicky. Twice he tried to jump, but the jump made no difference. At last he stopped all efforts. He relaxed. There was no more panic.Everything blanked out. The curtain of life was about to fell. But , luckily, Before he was dead, he was taken out of the pool and saved.
Q.3. How did the instructor “build a swimmer” out of Douglas?
The instructor built a swimmer out of Douglas piece by piece. For three months he held him high on a rope attached to his belt. It went through the pulley. The pulley ran on an overhead cable. The instructor held on to the end of the rope.He went back and forth across the pool. He practised for many weeks. Panic seized the author every time. The instructor taught Douglas to put his face under water and exhale and to raise his nose and inhale. Then Douglas had to kick with his legs for many weeks till these relaxed. After seven months the instructor told him to swim the length of the pool. The tension begin to grow less. At last He said," Now you can swim. Dive off and swim the length of the pool." The writer was able to do it.
Ans - In whatever Gandhi did, he tried to mould a new free Indian who could stand on his own feet and thus make Indian free. This new free Indian came from Indian masses- the ordinary men, woman and children.
The first and formost thing of freedom movement was freedom from fear of the Britishers. The ordinary people followed Gandhi because they knew he was their defender and saviour. When the peasants of Motihari came to know that their defender was in trouble with the authorities, they came in thousands, demonstrated around the court house where Gandhi was summoned. This spontaneous around the court house where Gandhi was summoned. This spontaneous demonstration was the beginning of their freedom from fear of the British.
History of freedom movement of India is replete with examples where ordinary people came forward and took part in the movement.
My Mother at sixty six
कविता का हिंदी सारांश :
कमला दास पिछले शुक्रवार को सुबह अपने माता- पिता के घर से कोचीन एयरपोर्ट जाती है। कार में उसके साथ बगल में उसकी माता जी बैठी होती है जिनकी उम्र ६६ वर्ष हो चुकी है। जब वह अपनी माता जी को देखती है तो वह खुले मुंह से कार में सो रही होती है। उसकी माता का चेहरा इतना कमजोर हो गया है कि मृत शरीर के समान राख रंग लिए हुए था। वह अपनी माता की तुलना एक मृत शरीर से करती है। कवियत्री अपनी माता को इस रूप में देखकर बड़ा दुःख होता है। अब वह समझ जाती है कि उसकी माता का साथ उसके साथ ज्यादा लम्बा नहीं है। इस दुखद सोच से अपना ध्यान बांटने के लिए दूसरे साइड कार से बाहर झांकती है। जब वह बाहर देखती है तो पाती है कि हरे भरे जवान पेड़ पीछे की तरफ भाग रहे है और छोटे बच्चे घरों से बाहर खेलने के लिए दौड़ रहे है। और उन्हें देखकर कवियत्री का मन प्रसन्न हो जाता है।परन्तु जब कवियत्री एयरपोर्ट पहुँचती है और उसका सिक्योरिटी चेक हो रहा होता है तो फिर वह कुछ दूरी से अपनी मां की तरफ दुबारा देखती है तो फिर अपनी मां को इतना दुर्बल, बुजुर्ग पाती है कि उसकी तुलना शर्दियों में देर से आने आने चाँद से करती है जो काफी फीका लगता है। और फिर उसको वही मां से बिछड़ने का बचपन वाला डर वापस आ जाता है। वह सोचती है कि शायद अगली बार अपनी माँ को देख पायेगी या नहीं परन्तु फिर भी अपने दिल को सांत्वना हुए कमला दास अपनी माँ से मुस्कुराते हुए कहती है कि माँ जल्दी मिलेंगे। और फिर कमला दास मुस्कुराई , मुस्कराई और मुस्कराई। ...DETAILED ANALYSIS OF THE POEM
In this poem, the poetess relates a personal experience. Through it, she brings out a common paradox of human relationships. Sometimes,we do feel deep sympathy for someone but we fail to express it in a proper manner.
It was a Friday morning. The poetess was driving from her parents home to the Cochin airport. Her mother was sitting beside her in the car . The mother was then sixty-six years old. While going, the poetess turned to look at her mother. she found that the mother was dozing and her mouth was open. Her face was as pale as that of a dead person. the poetess painfully realised that her mother was not going to live long .but soon she drove this painful thought away from her mind. She started looking at the young trees on the roadside that seemed to be running fast. She saw children running out of their houses in joy.
After reaching the airport, the poetess went through the security check. Her mother was standing outside a few yards away. After the security check, the poetess again looked at her mother from that distance. the mothers face was pale white. It was as pale as the face of the moon in late winter. The poetess felt an old familiar ache in her body. It was like she used to feel in her childhood when some fear overpowered her. Yet she spoke no word to her mother .All that she said was,"See you soon Amma "the only thing the poetess did was smile and smile and smile.
An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum
हिंदी सारांश
कक्षा में बच्चों की दयनीय दशा
इस कविता में कवि कवी ऐसे बच्चों के लिए अपनी चिंता ब्यक्त करता है जो अपना पूरा जीवन गन्दी बस्तियों में बिताते है तथा जीवन की वास्तविक खुशियों को प्राप्त करने का जिन्हे कोई अवसर नहीं होता है। कवि एक गन्दी बस्ती के स्कूल की कक्षा में कुछ बच्चों को बैठे हुए देखता है। इन बच्चों के चेहरों पर ऐसा कोई चिह्न नहीं है जिससे पता चलता हो कि उनके अंदर गर्म खून बह रहा है। वे सभी ढीले पड़े हुए है तथा निर्जीब प्रतीत होते है। उनके चेहरे पीले हो रखे है। उनके बिना धुले और कंघी किये बाल पीले चेरे पर बिना जड़ की घास की तरह लड़के हुए है। वहां एक लम्बी लड़की है जिसका सर नीचे को झुका हुआ है मानो बोझ से लदा हो। वहां एक लड़का है जो कागज के सामान पतला लग रहा है। तथा एक चूहे की तरह छोटी छोटी डरी हुई आंखे रखता है। वहां मुड़ी हुई हड्डियों वाला एक लड़का अपनी डेस्क पर से अपना पाठ पढ़ रहा है। उसके जोड़ सूझे हुए है। जिस तरह उसके पिता के है। धुंधले प्रकाश वाली कक्षा के अंत में एक प्यारा सा छोटा बच्चा बैठा हुआ है। वह अपने सपनों में खोया प्रतीत होता हैकि गिलहरियां अपने पेड़ वाले घर में कौन कौन से खेल खेलती है।कक्षा-कक्ष की स्तिथि
इस कक्षा के कमरे की दीवारों से बासी क्रीम के जैसी गंध आती है। उन पर उन लोगों के नाम अंकित है जिन्होंने इस कक्षा के कमरों को बनाने के लिए दान दिया हैं। ; वह एक गिरजे के गुंम्बद , शैक्सपीयर के धड़ का चित्र , रहित प्रभात का चित्र , तथा टायरोल की फूलों से भरी घाटी के चित्र भी है। दीवार पर एक खुला नक्शा भी लटका हुआ है। इसमें वे सब सागर और प्रदेश दिखाई गए है। जो संसार में है। किन्तु वह संसार जो ये गरीब देखते है, वह इस नक़्शे वाले संसार में नही है। यह वह संसार है जो वे अपनी कक्षा वाले कमरे की खिड़कियों में से देखते है। यह एक ऐसा संसार है जहाँ वे एक घुसार आकाश के नीचे कोहरे से ढकी हुई केवल एक गली ही दिखाई देती है. यह एक ऐसा सस्सार है जो नदियां और अन्तरीपों वाले संसार से बहुत दूर है। यह शब्दों के उन सितारों से बिलकुल भिन्न है जिनका वायदा राजनीतिज्ञों ने उनके साथ किया था।बच्चों की मनोदशा
कवी कहता है कि कक्षा के कमरे की दीवारों के ऊपर टंगे हुए चित्र और नक़्शे इन गरीब बच्चों के लिए कोई अर्थ नहीं रखते है। वे इनमे कोई ऐसे प्रलोभन पैदा कर सकते है जो उन्हें चोरी करने को प्रेरित कर सकते है। ये बच्चे अपना पूरा जीवन ऐसे घरों में व्यतीत करते है जो तंग सुराखों से कोई बेहतर नहीं है। वे इतने पतले और कमजोर है कि उनकी चमड़ी के नीचे उनकी हड्डियां साफ़ साफ़ दिखाई देती है। इन बच्चो के लिए संसार के नक्शों का कोई महत्व नहीं है। इन नक्शों की वजाए वहां गन्दी बस्तियों के प्रलय समान बड़े बड़े चित्र होने चाहिए।कक्षा के छात्र- छात्राओं के प्रति गवर्नरों, इंस्पैक्टरों का दायित्व
कवि स्कूल के गवर्नरों, इंस्पैक्टरों , तथा वहां देखने आने वाले लोगों से आवाहन करता है कि वे इन बच्चों को गन्दी बस्तियों से बाहर ले जाएँ। वे इन्हें इन जगहों से बाहर ले जाये जो कब्रों वाले तहखानों से कोई बेहतर नहीं है। वे इन गरीब बच्चों को बाहर ऐसी जगहों पर ले जाएँ जहाँ वे हरे हरे खेतों में और सुनहरी रेत के ऊपर खेल सके उन्हें ऐसी जगहों में रखा जाना चाहिए जहाँ वे न केवल अपनी पुस्तकों में से पड़ सके अपितु पेड़ों के मध्य खेल भी सके। कवि कहता है कि इतिहास केवल उन्ही राष्ट्रों का होता है जहाँ बच्चे स्वतंत्र रूप से रह सकते हों। तथा सूर्य के नीचे उपलब्ध होने वाले सभी आनंदों का सुख प्राप्त कर सकते हो।Main Points of the Poem
- The poet sees some children sitting in an elementary school classroom in a slum. These children have pale faces and untidy hair.
- A tall girl is sitting with her head weighed down. There is a boy who looks as thin as paper. He has very small terrified eyes eyes like those of a rate. There is another one who has a stunted body with twisted bones. A little sweet child remains unnoticed at the back of the dim class. He seems to be lost in his dreams.
- There are some pictures and a map of the world hung on the wall. There are also the names of those who gave donations to build this room.
- On the wall there is a picture of Shakespeare's bust, another of a cathedral dome, another of a cloudless dawn and still another of a flowery valley.
- The poet says that these pictures and the map look out of place in this classroom. They can only tempt the little children to steal.
- The nap shows the world but the world of these poor children is very different. There world is what they can see from the windows of the classroom.
- Through these windows, they can see only a foggy street under a dull sky. It is the only future they can imagine for themselves.
- So in place of the map of the world, there should be only the pictures of big slums on these walls.
- These poet calls upon the school governors, inspectors and also those who come to visit these school. He ask them to take steps by which these children can be taken out of the slum.
- These children live all their life in a sort of catacombs. They should be taken out from these and taken to places where they can not only read from their books but also play in the green fields and on the golden sands.
- The poet says that history always belongs to those nations where the children can live a joyful life and enjoy all the blessings that can be had under the sun.
Q.2. What do you think in the colour of ' Sour Cream'? Why do you think the poet has used this expression to describe the classroom walls.
Ans. Sour cream indicates the colour cream or dirty white. The poet has used this expression to describe the poor dull and ill- equipped environment of the classroom. the wall were painted long ago by donations and since then no attention has been given to them. We see the neglect these children face. It adds to the dull ambience.
Q.3.The walls of the classroom are decorated with the picture of 'Shakespeare', building with domes, world map and beautiful valleys .How do these contrast with the world of these Children.
All these totally contrast with the world of the children in the slum. They get half education, the value of education for the children is minimal and to have these pictures which are symbols of high quality education is incongruous here. The buildings with domes are examples of a civilised world, the world unknown to them. The world map is irrelevant to them because the slums, their world cannot be located by them. Finally, the beautiful valley with rivers and capes is meaningless to them. They just have the polluted sky to watch from the broken window panes. These children are deprived of natural beauty.
4. What does the poet want for the children of the slums? How can their lives be made to change?
He wants the children of the slums to venture into the outside world, beyond the boundaries of their slums, and experience a better present and future life.
The elementary school in the slum does not serve any purpose with its poor infrastructure and disinterested students. The poet feels that the governor, inspector and visitors should take initiative to bring about a real change in their situation. To ensure a better way of living for them, they need to be given proper education and freedom from their present confines. They need opportunity, encouragement and optimism to be able to live life with purpose and zest.